Human energy; burnout; stress; workload; motivation; performance; productivity; mental health
Purpose: This study aims to investigate the impact of the human energy crisis on employee productivity, particularly within the IT sector in India. The study also provide recommendations to overcome this crisis and enhancing productivity of employees.
Methodology: Employing a positivist philosophy and deductive approach, quantitative methods were utilized via a cross-sectional survey with a stratified sampling strategy. The sample comprised 65 employees, ensuring reliability and validity through established scales and rigorous statistical analysis.
Findings: The outcomes highlight that human energy crisis significantly impacts employee’s performance. Employees in IT face adjusting to a changing workplace culture, impacting their mental health. This human energy crisis includes factors like stress, workload, burnout, and lack of work-life balance. To avoid burnout and improve workplace, organisations should implement stress reduction techniques, encourage active work, social support, involve staff in decision making, and implement excellence performance management. These policies aim to advance worker autonomy, skills development, and job equity.
Practical Implications: This research contributes to academic literature and provides insights into the human energy crisis, a common issue causing stress, exhaustion, and workload. It suggests that employees prioritise theory well-being over work, and suggests strategies for HR, managers, and administrators to improve employee performance. The data can also be used by the government, as employees work in both public and private sectors.
Originality: The research fills a gap in literature concerning the mediating factors of the human energy crisis and contributes to both academic understanding and practical application in public and private sector workplaces.
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