E-government, Open Government, Open Data, ESIF, Partnership Agreement
The aim of the current research is to examine how and to what extent existing e-government services in planning, managing, and delivering EU funds in Greece, can evolve into new open-government models. It also aims to examine how to effectively engage citizens and potential beneficiaries to participate in processes, such as policymaking or projects’ and funds’ allocation within the framework of the Partnership Agreement 2014/2020. The study comprises of a combination of both secondary and primary data being selected from public bodies (managing authorities) and potential beneficiaries (public entities and citizens) searching their awareness, perceptions, concerns and attitudes on existing and possible future open government models. Findings show that respondents recognize the benefits of e-government services, yet they encounter difficulties using them, mostly due to the platforms’ technocratic language. They are uncertain however on the impact open data have had on the EU funds management and demonstrate reservations on trust and security issues, including interaction and integration of their proposals in policy- and decision-making processes. The study concludes with proposals on future academic research and policy applications in order to further advance the openness of governance in the EU funds.
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