
Circular economy, sustainability, air pollution, renovating, climate change, social circular economy


Purpose: The purpose of this research is to examine how the concept of sustainability might operate in a circular economy in order to contribute to economic growth

Design/methodology/approach: A quantitative survey questionnaire research strategy was utilised in conjunction with a deductive research approach to elicit information about the topic by referencing the most recent and pertinent literature. This study combines primary and secondary sources. To achieve the research objectives, primary data is acquired via questionnaires. Over a 20-day period, 30 companies representing a variety of industries were approached face to face, via email, and via LinkedIn.

Findings: According to the research findings, corporations are becoming increasingly aware of the circular economy and its implications for sustainability. The findings also revealed that businesses are eager to transition to a circular economy and believe there is a link between the two concepts.

Practical implications: The study provides a critical perspective on the current state of the circular economy and the importance of sustainability in the circular economy. The research goes beyond the scholarly community's efforts to improve knowledge of the circular economy and the relationship between sustainability and the circular economy.

Originality/value: This study contributes significantly to the scarcity of academic evidence on the relationship between the two concepts, and it is an important step toward a better understanding of how businesses can use circular economies to advance toward a more sustainable society.

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